Komen Promise Grant PACT

Research Advocacy Network is a collaborator on the Patient Advocacy and Care Translation Core of the Indiana University grant “Comprehensive Biomarker Discovery Project for Bevacizumab in Breast Cancer”
Research Advocacy Network is pleased to present a Web Lecture Series as a project of the Patient Advocacy and Care Translation Core (PACT) of the Indiana University Komen Promise Grant "Comprehensive Biomarker Discovery Project for Bevacizumab for Breast Cancer." Bryan Schneider, MD, and Dave Flockhart, MD, PhD, Co-Principal Investigators. There are three sessions in the series. Information about each session is provided below.
Topic: Personalized Medicine Speaker: Bryan P. Schneider, MD
- Dr. Schneider gave an overview of the 5 year grant and presented the science and findings that are the foundation for the grant aims.
- Recorded July 28, 2011 3 pm CENTRAL (4 pm EASTERN)
- Click here to view the recorded playback (Approximately 1 hour)
- After viewing the recording, please give us your feedback session eval survey
Topic: Biomarkers and GWAS (included in Aim 1)Speaker: Dave Flockhart, MD, PhD
- Dr. Flockhart explained GWAS and the information this technology can and can't provide. Preliminary findings were also presented that were shared in a session at the ASCO Annual Meeting.
- Recorded: July 29, 2011 1pm CENTRAL (2 pm EASTERN)
- Click here to view the recorded playback (Approximately 1 hour)
- After viewing the recording, please give us your feedback session eval survey