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The following resources are available for download in pdf format: Please note many of these publications are also available to order in printed form on the general Resources page.
Tutorials (file size is indicated as some files are quite large):
- Biomarkers in Cancer (6.8 MB)
- Biosimilars (20.5 MB) (6 MB lower resolution version)
- Clinical Trial Design (1 MB)
- Genomics in Cancer (7.2 MB)
- Liquid Biopsy (3MB)
- Molecular Diagnostics (14.5 MB)
- Pathology and Tissue Research (1 MB)
- Precision Medicine in Oncology (2.0 MB)
- Quality of Life and Patient Reported Outcomes (1.2 MB)
- Targeted Therapies (2 MB)
- Understanding Risk (2 MB)
White Papers-"mini tutorials"-these documents are developed using the same methodology as tutorials but are not as lengthy and cover more targeted topics
- Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
- Biomarker Validation
- Decision Aids
Research Advocacy Network Published Reports:
- Outcomes of Clinical Trials for Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer: Summary of Qualitative Patient and Advocate Input-May 2017
- Executive Summary Report: Voice of the Patient and Caregiver During Chemotherapy Treatment
- Involving Patients in Research- Research Advocacy Network Methods
- Conference report - Clinical Trials in the Era of Genomic Medicine
- Report from Think Tank-Molecular Diagnostics
- Report from Think Tank I - Tissue Issues
- Report from Think Tank II - Tissue Issues
- Report: What Do Advocates Know About Comparative Effectiveness Research?
- Report: 2010 Survey Providing Results to Participants in Research Using Biospecimens
Materials about Tissue and Biospecimen Donation:
- Booklet - Why is it important for me to consider donating my tissue for research? (English version)
- Booklet - Why is it important for me to consider donating my tissue for research? (Certified Spanish translation)
- Booklet - Importance of Tissue Donation in Research (English version)
- Booklet - Importance of Tissue Donation in Research (Certified Spanish translation)
- Patient Brochure - Advancing Research by Donating Tissue in a Clinical Trial
- Provider Communication Guide - Advancing Research by Donating Tissue in a Clinical Trial
Materials about BRAF Testing
Materials about Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
- Patient Brochure - 5 Facts You Should Know About Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
- Provider Communication Guide-Helping Your Patients Understand, Report and Manage Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Roadmaps for Advocates
- Roadmap to Research Advocacy (currently being updated- contact info@researchadvocacy.org)
- Roadmap to Advocacy for Translational Science
Conference Posters
- Discerning Clinical Relevance of Biomarkers in Early Stage Breast Cancer (ASCO Annual Meeting 2012)
- Metastatic Breast Cancer: Using Conjoint Analysis to Analyze Patient Preference (Era of Hope Meeting 2011)
- A Market Research Initiative to Understand the Patient Perspective On The Risk-Benefit Trade-off In The Treatment Decision (ASCO Annual Meeting 2011-Abstract 6044)